ACCESSION No. '2382/ CALLNo. 9/%' $9 24 GLL


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he Expedition has derived much benefit from the work of many collaborators in

the publication of this second volume. Some of these collaborators have assisted

with the first volume.

Miss Joan du Plat Taylor has revised the of the MSS. and Miss Kathleen M. Kenyon has read the proofs.

Mrs. Vivi Gjerstad and Miss Margareta Sjóqvist have assisted in various branches of the work as before. Miss Lisa Riigheimer has prepared the diagrams of the Idalion excavation and Miss Gull Roberg those of the Ajia Irini excavation and she has also participated in other painstaking work. Miss Maj Sandman has undertaken to publish a study on the typology of the scarabs (Appendix III); Miss Ulla Linder has assisted in reading proofs, checking diagrams, and preparing the Lists of Plates, assisted in the latter part of the work by Miss Sandman.

As mentioned in the introduction to the first volume, Prof. Newberry and Dr. Pieper have deciphered and described the scarabs found during the excavations (Appendices I—II).

Mr. A. Westholm has done a great deal of valuable photographic work: all the illustra- tions of finds allotted to Sweden and published in this volume are reproduced from photos taken by him.

Mr. Bror Millberg has carried out the bulk of the fair copies of the plans of this volume, and many of the drawings of finds from Amathus, Marion, and Idalion are by him. His work in controlling the plans has been invaluable and proved to be very exact and reliable,

Messrs. H. Gelin and Tooulis Svidos have done the work of conservation as before.

I wish to express to everybody the sincere gratitude of the Expedition for their collabor-



In Appendix IV is given a typology of the shapes of the imported Black Glazed and Red

Figured wares, and this typology is used for the description of the wares in question in the

Object Registers.

In Appendix V are published the inscriptions and graffiti.

Thanks to financial support by the vast number of subscribers and the grant of 5,000 Sw. crowns from “Fonden för tryckning av lärda verk” and 5,000 Sw. crowns from **Humani:- tiska fonden" it has been possible to reproduce the groups of finds on a somewhat larger scale than in the first volume.

'The reproductions are by the same firms as in the first volume.


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BEERTHOS een ae eee D РЕК

Introduction, p. 1; Tomb 1, p. 4; Tomb 2, p. 6; Tomb 3, p. 16; Tomb 4, p. 17; Tomb s, p. 22; Tomb 6, p. 27; Tomb 7, p. 3o; Tomb 8, p. 46; Tomb 9, p. 55; Tomb 10, p. 64; Tomb 11, p. 69; Tomb 12, p. 77; Tomb 13, p. 79; Tomb 14, p- 84; Tomb 135, p. 89; Tomb 16, p. 94; Tomb 17, p. 102; Tomb 18, p. 103; Tomb 19, p. 109; Tomb 20, p. 113; Tomb 21, p. 114; Tomb 22, p. 119; Tomb 23, p. 124; Tomb 24, p. 131; Tomb 25, p. 133; Tomb 26, p. 136; Summary, p. 138.


Introduction, p. 142; Tomb r, p. 143; Tomb 2, p. 144; Tomb 3, p. 148; Tomb 4, p. 150; Tomb s, p. 151; Tomb 6, p. 152; Tomb 7, p. 155; Tomb 8, p. 157; Tomb 9, p. 160; Tomb ro, p. 161; Tomb 11, p. 164; Tomb 12, p. 166; Tomb 13, p. 168; Tomb 14 and 14 A, p. 170; Tomb 15, p. 172; Tomb 16, p. 174; Tomb 17, p. 175; Summary, p. 179.

eee eee TFT TFT TE.


Introduction, p. 181. THE NECROPOLIS AT SIKARKA-KOKKINA, p. 184; Tomb r, p. 185; Tomb 2, p. 186; Tomb 3, p. 189.

Page. lll





THE NECROPOLIS AT POTAMOS TOU MYRMIKOF, p. 189; Tomb 4, p. 190; Tomb 5, p- 191; Tomb 6 A, p. 195; Tomb 6 B, p. 197; Tomb 7, p. 20r; Tomb 8, p. 202; Tomb 9, p. 206; Tomb 10, p. 211; Tomb 12, p. 215; Tomb 13, p. 217.

THE NECROPOLIS AT KAPARKA, p. 218; Tomb 14, p. 219; Tomb 15, p. 224; Tomb 16, p. 228; Tomb 17, p. 230; Tomb 18, p. 232; Tomb 19, p.234; Tomb 20, p. 234; Tomb 21, p. 236; Tomb 22, p. 240; Tomb 23, p. 246; Tomb 24, p. 248; Tomb 25, p. 249; Tomb 26, p. 253; Tomb 27, p. 257; Tomb 28, p. 258; Tomb 29, p. 259; Tomb 30, p. 260; Tomb 31, p. 262; Tomb 32, p. 266; Tomb 33, p. 267; Tomb 34, p- 270; Tomb 35, p.274; Tomb 36, p. 275; Tomb 37, p. 278; Tomb 38, p. 282; Tomb 39, p. 284; Tomb 4o, p. 289; Tomb 41, p. 291; Tomb 42, p. 296; Tomb 43, p. 299; Tomb 44, p. 303; Tomb 45, p. 308; Tomb 46, p. 3o9; Tomb 47, p. 311; Tomb 48, p. 317; Tomb 49, p. 318; Tomb 5o, p. 320; Tomb sr, p. 322; Tomb ;2, p- 325; Tomb 53, p. 327; Tomb 54, p. 332; Tomb 55, p. 334; Tomb 56, p. 338; Tomb 57, p. 341; Tomb 58, p. 345; Tomb 59, p. 350; Tomb 6o, p. 356; Tomb 61, p. 364.

THE NECROPOLIS AT EVRETHADES, p. 366; Tomb 62, p. 366; Tomb 63, p. 372; Tomb 64, p. 374; Tomb 65, p. 375; Tomb 66, p. 378; Tomb 67, p. 379; Tomb 68, p. 382; Tomb 69, p. 386; Tomb 70, p. 390; Tomb 71, p. 392; Tomb 72, p. 393; Tomb 73, р. 397; Tomb 74, p. 400; Tomb 75, p. 403; Tomb 76, p. 406; Tomb 77, p. 408; Tomb 78, p. 409; Tomb 79, p. 411; Tomb 80, p. 414; Tomb 81, p. 417; Tomb 82, p. 419; Tomb 83, p. 421; Tomb 84, p. 424; Tomb 85, p. 426; Tomb 86, p. 428; Tomb 87, p. 429; Tomb 88, p. 432; Tomb 89, p. 434; Tomb 9o, p. 436; Tomb 91, p. 438; Tomb 92, p. 440; Tomb 93, p. 443; Tomb 94, p. 445; Tomb 95, р. 446; Tomp 96, p. 448; Tomb 97, p. 450; Tomb 98, p. 451; Summary, p. 455-

8874618), РМЕТ ои ое ноокен етв анааан E

THE WESTERN ACROPOLIS, p. 460; Topography, p. 460; Architecture, p. 463; Archi- tectural elements, p. 463; Stratification, p. 493; Architectural analysis, p. 505; Architectural synthesis, p. 516; Finds, Object Register, p. 532; Classification of Finds, p. 571; Conditions of Finds, p. 592; Relative chronology, p. 597; Absolute chronology, p. 618; Summary, p. 626.

THE NECROPOLIS, p. 629; Tomb 1, p. 629; Tomb 2, p. 632; Tomb 3, p. 634.


АТАНОВ S nee ves auem sey eov qase ea ecc TEE Қ POSNUS PE Introduction, p. 642; Architecture, p. 643; Architectural elements, p. 643; Strati-

fication, Finds, Object Register, p. 675; Classification of Finds, p. 774; Conditions of

p. 653; Architectural analysis, p. 664; Architectural synthesis, p. 666;

Finds, p. 797; Relative chronology, p. 810; Absolute chronology, p. 81 5; Summary,

p. 820.






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825 831 846 851 854 860



ow ww


10 11


13 14 15 16 17

19 20

21 22 23


Amathus. View of tumulus, ''omb 26, from S. E. Amathus. 'l'omb 2, 1st chamber with doorway into the 264 Chamber E еби е» Amathus. Tomb 2, ıst chamber, right part.. Amathus. Tomb 2, dromos with door slab in situ Amathus. Tomb 5 with finds im situ............ Amathus. Tomb 1, Plan (1). Tomb 2, Door slab (2); Plan (3); Section A-A (4). Tomb 3, Plan (5); Bectión A-À (6). «Ec zs ree ee» ETE xx T

Amathus. Tomb 2, Sections A-A—G-G С Amathus. Tomb 4, Plan (1); Sections A-A— D-D (2—s). Tomb 5, Sections A-A, B-B (6, 7).

Tomb 6, Sections A-A—C-C (8—10) ......... Amathus. Tomb 3 seen from the North Amathus. Tomb 6. Interior view ............. Amathus, Tomb 5, Plan with finds in situ (1). Tomb 6, Plan (2); Finds in situ (3). Tomb 7, Plan (4); Sections A-A, B-B (s, 6). Tomb 8, Finds in е) РУОР ААС у MUSE Amathus. Tomb 7, Finds im situ, 3rd burial stratum (1); 2nd burial stratum (2); 1st burial stratum (3); Section A-A (4) Amathus. Tomb 7 seen from the West ..... Amathus. Tomb 7, 2nd layer with finds in situ Amathus. Tomb 8, E. part Amathus, Tomb 9 seen from the East ....... Amathus. Tomb 8, Plan (1); Sections A-A, B-B (3, 2). Tomb 9, Plan (4); Sections A-A, B-B (6:5) Finde In Sn (Mia nee Amathus. Tomb 9 seen from the S. E. Amathus. Tomb 9 seen from the North ...... Amathus, 'l'omb 9, Necklace No. 100 in situ (1). Tomb 10, Plan (2); Sections A-A, B-B, C-C (3—5); Finds in situ (6). Tomb 11, Plan (9); Sec- tions A-A, B-B, C-C (10, 7,8); Finds in situ (13). ‘Tomb 12, Plan (11); Section A-A (12) ....... Amathus. Tomb 11. Interior view

Amathus. Tomb 11 seen from above Amathus. Tomb 11. (Na YET РУСУ abies Amathus. Tomb 12. View from the North ..... Amathus. Tomb 1:3, Plan (6); Section A-A (7). "Tomb 14, Plan with finds in situ (1, 2); Sections A-A, B-B (5,4). Tomb 15, Finds ín situ (3)



Idol (No. 69) and beads



18 22


46 45 +7 47

56 56

70 70

77 77


26 27 28 29 30 31 32

33 34 35









Amathus. Tomb Amathus. Tomb Amathus. Tomb Amathus. ‘Tomb Amathus. ‘Tomb

13. View from the West 14. Interior view 15. Roof slabs im situ ....... 16 seen from the North-West 16. Skeleton and finds im situ. . Amathus. Tomb 16. Finds i situ in W. part.. Amathus. Tomb 15, Plan with roof stones in situ (1); Section A-A (2). Tomb 16, Plan (3); Finds in situ (4). Tomb 17, Plan with finds in situ (5). Tomb 18, Plan with finds im situ (6, 7) ...... Amathus. Tomb 18. Dromos with finds in sifu.. Amathus. Tomb 18. Roof slabs in situ ....... Amathus. Tomb 18. Faience beads covering the

Amathus. Tomb 19. Interior view with section remaining and finds im эйи .................. Amathus. Tomb 16, Sections A-A, B-B (1, 2) Tomb 17, Section A-A (3). Tomb 18, Plan with roof stones in situ (4); Sections A-A, B-B (7, 5). Tomb 19, Plan with finds in situ (6); Sections A-A, B-B (8, 9). Tomb 20, Plan (11). Tomb 21, Plan (14); Sections A-A, B-B (10, 12); Finds in situ (13). Tomb 22, Section A-A (15)......... Amathus. Tomb 21. Necklace (No. 49) with beads Amathus. Tomb 21. Necklace (No. 50) with beads penwlning £u diflt 22a dias a aleae ah ad аа мага Amathus. Tomb 22. Exterior view from the

Amathus. Tomb 22. Interior view with finds and ккеЇеѓаї тепгіпз іл Ши ...................... Amathus. Tomb 23. 4th burial layer with finds and skeletal remains im 5iu....... seen 5 Amathus. Tomb 23. Finds from the rst ni and burial leyers in Amathus. Tomb 24. The entrance seen from the QOD CHT ESS OSE ORS DEDIR yep Amathus. Tomb 6. Alabaster vase in situ, seen

ШАЛАР: Уолан ars yes КЕТТИИИ Amathus, Tomb 22, Plan with roof stones in situ (1); Section B-B (6); Finds in situ (2). Tomb 23, Plan (12); Sections A-A, B-B, C-C (9, 10, 11); Finds £m situ: 1st and 2nd burial layers (8), 3rd and 4th burial layers (7). Tomb 24, Plan with

Page 84

95 95

101 105 105 109


110 115 115 120 120 126 126 131



48 49

51 52 53

55 56 57




finds im situ (4); Sections A-A, B-B (5, 14). Tomb 25, Plan with finds é situ (13). Tomb 26, Plan (15); Sections A-A, B-B (17, 16); Section through stone рИһов Хо. 2(3).....-........-..--...-..-... Amathus. Tomb excavated by General Luigi P. di Cesnola in 1876 (cf. p. 2), Plan (1); Sections А-А--Е-Е (2-6)............................ БОШ "Тһе tomb-field 52.................... Stylli. Tomb 1, Plan (1); Sections A-A, B-B (2, 3). Tomb 2, Plan (4); Sections A-A, B-B (5, 6). Tomb 3, Plan (7); Sections A-A, B-B (8, 9). Tomb 4, Plan (10); Sections A-A, B-B (11, 12). Tomb 5, Plan (14); Sections B-B, A-A, (13, 15). Tomb 6, Sections B-B, C-C, A-A (16, 17, 18)... Stylli. Tomb 3. Interior view with finds in situ Stylli. Tomb 4, dromos Stylli. Tomb 4, stomion Seyi TOK РЗОЦИЮВ: cerent metr rh tuno Stylli. Tomb 6, Plan (1); Finds in situ (2). Tomb 7, Sections A-A, B-B (3, 4); Plan (5). Tomb 8, Sections B-B, A-A (6, 10); Plan (7). Tomb 9, Sec- tions B-B, A-A (8, 11); Plan (9). ‘Tomb 10, Plan MAD ne nee Heer ES ee nee бсуін; Тоты 8, «оліюп .................... Stylli. Tomb 13. Finds in the dromos ........ Stylli. Tomb to, Sections A-A, B-B (1, 2). Tomb 11, Section A-A (3); Plan (4). Tomb 12, Sections A-A, B-B (s, 6); Plan (7). Tomb 13, Plan (8); Section A-A (9); Finds in situ (10). Tomb 14, Sections B-B, A-A (11, 14); Plan (12). Tomb 14 A, Finde In sifu (13) 4L ecce crie eve tear rotto Stylli. Tomb rs, Plan (1); Sections A-A, B-B (2, 3). Tomb 16, Plan (4); Sections A-A, B-B (s, 6). ‘Tomb 17, Plan (7); Sections B-B, A-A (8, 9); Finde msi (10)... v reeecae eas oia o ee ec Stylli. Tomb 16. Finds in situ outside the door- packing ecse cnoe echsa tEn iao aa Stylli. Tomb 17. Interior view with finds in situ View of Marion from the East with Cape Akamas in the beckimound: ee. eee eye ә» ESF esse View of Marion from the West ............... Marion. Tomb 2, Interior view .............. Marion. Tomb 2. Interior View .............. Marion. Tomb r, Plan (1); Sections C-C, B-B, D-D, A-A (2, 3,4, 5). Tomb 2, Plan (6); Sections A-A, B-B, C-C, D-D, E-E (7, 8, 9, ro, 11). уара” мінін situ (GÀ)... еее ео етее Marion. 'T'he necropolis at Potamos tou Myrmikof Marion. Tomb 4, йготов..................+ Marion. Tomb 5. View of the chamber with finds говага dd Dese Marion. ‘Tomb 4, Plan (1); Sections A-A, B-B, C-C (2, 3, 4); Finds in situ (s). Tomb s, Plan (6); Sections A-A, B-B, C-C (7, 8, 9); Finds in ЭНИ. (СТО). ж зә уу ээн? ә завео Marion. Tomb 6, Plan (1); Sections A-A, B-B, C-C (2, 3, 4); Chamber B, Finds in situ (5); Cham-

eee wee eee | |]! t|]! | ве

untersten À n n ín n


137 143

147 149 149 153 153

158 162 162



176 176

182 183 187 | 187

188 190 192 |


193 |

7! 72




78 79




91 92

93 94


ber A, Finds in situ (6). ''omb 7, Plan (7); Section A-A (8). Tomb 8, Plan (9); Sections A-A, B-B

Со) еее есе отон ааа Marion. Tomb 8, бійе-сһатікт .............. Marion, Tomb 10. Interior view of the chamber with finds te At... aaa anne ehe de В

Marion. Tomb 8, Finds іп situ (1, 2). Tomb 9, Ріап ала Ел«із іп жши(3)....................... Marion. Tomb 9, Sections A-A, B-B, C-C, D-D, E-E (1, 2, 3, 4, §). Tomb 10, Plan (6); Sections A-A, B-B, C-C (7, 8, 9); Finds in situ (10). Tomb 11, Plan (11); Sections B-B, A-A (12, 13)....... Marion. Tomb 12, Plan (1); Sections A-A, B-B (2,3). Tomb 13, Plan and Finds im situ (4); |

tions A-A, B-B (5,6). Tomb r4, Plan (7); Sec-

tions A-A, B-B (8, 9); Finds in situ (10) ...... 459 Marion. The necropolis at Kaparka......... vite Marion. Tomb 14, Аготпов .................. Marion. Tomb 14. Finds in зи .............. Marion. Tomb 15. View of chamber ...... Marion. Tomb 15. Finds £n situ........

Marion. Tomb 15, Plan (1); Sections A-A, B-B, C-C (2, 3, 4); Finds in situ (5). Tomb 16, Plan (6); бестіопв А-А, В-В,С-С(2,8,9).......... y Магіоп. Тот 16, бготоя .................. Marion. Tomb 16. View of dromos and chamber Marion. Tomb 16, Finds in situ (1). Tomb 17, Plan (2); Section A-A (3). Tomb 18, Plan and Finds in situ (7); Sections A-A, B-B (6, 8). Tomb 19, Plan and Finds in situ (4); Section A-A (s). Marion. Tomb 20, Plan and Finds i situ (1). Tomb 21, Plan (2); Sections A-A, B-B, C-C, D-D

Bares esa ARS VEE ee Marion. Tomb 22, йготоз ................ * Marion. Tomb 22. View of the chamber with findo EIN, a sega eas SEs воя ер و‎

Marion. Tomb 21, Finds of RER and niche in situ (1). Tomb 22, Plan (2); Sections A-A, B-B, C-C, D-D(3,4,5,6) .......... aS s Marion. Tomb 22, Finds im situ (1). Tomb 23, Plan (2); Sections A-A, B-B, C-C (3, 4, 5); Finds CUN CUN PESRROSTREZTITAENTTYIOQ T DO OTI Bos Marion. Tomb 23. View of the chucaber with finds

Г. оен е Marion. Tomb 25. View of the chamber with finds IHN ernennen ee тее 99252 Магіоп. Т отпЬ 25, 4готов................... Marion. 'Tomb 25. View of the chamber ..... %

Marion, Tomb 24, Plan and Finds im stu (1); Sections A-A, B-B (2, 3). Tomb 25, Plan (4); Sections A-A, B-B, C-C (s, 6, 7); Finds of cham- ber im situ (8); Finds of dromos niche in situ (9) Marion. Tomb 26, Plan (1); Sections A-A, B-B (2, 3). Finds im situ (4). Tomb 27, Plan (5); Sec- tions B-B, A-A (6, 7); Finds i situ (8). Tomb 28, Plan (9); Section A-A (10) ................. Marion. Топаһ ҙо. Ғілбзітши................



203 203


216 219 220 220 224 224

225 229 229


237 241



247 247

aso 250


256 abı

& de


$ $95

101 102 103 104 105



108 109

110 111

112 113 114




119 120 121 122 123

124 125

Marion. Tomb 31 ................. —— 5 261 Marion. Tomb 31, dromos niches ...... ESS 262 Marion. Tomb 31. View of the chamber with

finds in situ ...... 466a co $a 69 5jo vem PERIERE 262

Marion. Tomb 29, Plan and Finds im situ (1); Sections A-A, B-B, C-C (2, 3, 4). Tomb 30, Plan and Finds in situ (5); Section A-A (6). Tomb 31, Plan (7); Sections A-A, B-B, C-C (8, 9, 19); Finds in situ: chamber (11); dromos niche 1 (12);

dromos niche 2 (13); dromos niche 3 (14) ..----- 263 Marion. Tomb 32. Niche 3, closed with a roof tile 266 Marion. Tomb 32. Niche 3 with finds in situ ..... 266 Marion. 'T'omb 34, 4Агогпов .................... 268 Marion. Tomb 34. View of the chamber. ...... . 268

Marion. ‘Tomb 32, Plan and Finds in situ (1); Sec- tions A-A, B-B, C-C, D-D (2, 3, 4, 5). Tomb 33, Plan (6); Sections A-A, B-B, C-C (7, 8, 9). "Tomb 34, Plan (10); Sections A-A, B-B, C-C (13, 12, 13) oer ooo soo 269 Marion. Tomb 34, Finds in situ (1). Tomb 35, Plan and Finds im situ (2); Sections B-B, A-A (5, 4). Tomb 36, Plan and Finds im situ (s); Sec- tions D-D, F-F, C-C, E-E, B-B, A-A(6,7, 8, 9,

KO; 11). cemmeinr 99.9579 54 noct tv "259965645 273 Marion. Tomb 36. View of the chamber with

finds in are nun nennen une 276 Marion. Tomb 37, 4готоз .................. 276 Marion. Tomb 37. View of the chamber with

Gris Ge HEM. aneignen sales 2- 870 Marion. Tomb 39, бготов .................. 279

Marion. Tomb 37, Plan (1); Sections A-A, B-B, C-C (2, 3, 4); Finds in situ (s). Tomb 38, Plan and Finds in situ (6); Sections A-A, B-B (7, 8) ..... 280 Marion. The chamber of Tomb 39............ 285 Marion. Tomb 41. The S. niche with finds in situ 285 Marion. Tomb 39, Plan (1); Sections A-A, B-B, D-D, E-E, C-C (2, 3, 4); Finds in situ (5). Tomb 40, Plan (6); Sections A-A, B-B, C-C (7, 8, 9); Finds im situ: Chamber A (10); Chamber B (11) 287 Marion. Tomb 41. Part of the chamber with the загборһанша ....,..,......›-»езэе»»э од жое» аз» 292 Marion. Tomb 42. View of the chamber with ЯБае іи з: енъге RE Marion. Tomb 41, Plan (1); Sections АА, B-B (2, 3); Ғілбз іп пін (4)...................... 293 Marion. Tomb 42, Plan (1); Section A-A (2); Finds im situ (3). Tomb 43, Plan (4); Sections A-A, B-B, C-C (s, 6, 7); Finds in situ (8) ..... 297 Marion. ''omb 43, dromos ............ e 300 Marion. Tomb 44. Dromos with finds im situ .. 300 Marion. 'l'omb 44. Chamber with finds in situ.. 304 Marion. Tomb 45. Chamber with finds in sitw.. 304 Marion. Tomb 44, Plan (1); Sections A-A, B-B, C-C (2, 3, 4); Finds in situ (5). Tomb 45, Plan апа Ғілбз ін іш (6) ........................ 305 Marion. Tomb 47, dromos .................. 312 Marion. 'l'omb 47. 'T'he chamber with finds in situ. 312



128 129 130 131

132 133 134

135 136


138 139 140 141 142

143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154

155 156


Marion. Tomb 46, Plan and Finds in situ (4); Sec- tion A-A (5). Tomb 47, Plan (1); Sections A-A, B-B (2, 3); Finds in situ (6). Tomb 48, Plan and Finds in situ (7); Sections A-A, B-B (8, 9) ------ 313 Marion. ‘Tomb i View of dromos and chamber with finds in sitti «seem 317 Marion. Tomb 49. "The with finds in situ 317 Marion. Tomb 50. The chamber with finds in situ 321 Marion. Tomb sı. Group of the finds im sifu... 321 Marion. ‘Tomb 49, Plan and Finds én situ (1); Sec- tion A-A (2). ‘Tomb 50, Plan and Finds in situ (3); Section A-A (4). Tomb 51, Plan (5); Sections A-A, B-B, (6, 7); Finds im situ (8). Tomb 52, Plan and Finds i# situ (9); Sections A-A, B-B, C-C (10, 11, 8) 0 OON aaa a Aa «же» 323 Marion. Tomb 53, dromos Marion. Tomb 53. View of the chamber ...... 328 Marion. Tomb 53, Plan (1); Sections B-B, D-D, С-С, А-А (2, 3, 4, 5); Finds in situ (6). Tomb 54, Plan and Finds im sítu (7); Sections A-A, B-B

Brennen Ea E dao Marion, Tomb 54, 4Әготов ............ 279009435 Marion. Tomb 57, 4готов .................. 333

Marion. 'Tomb 5s, Finds in situ (1). Tomb 56, Plan (2); Sections C-C, A-A, B-B (3, 4, 5); Finds

іп situ (6) ........ ern Veris eoi RI ... 325 Marion. ‘Tomb 55. Finds à іп віш...... ++ 336 Marion. Tomb 56. Finds im situ .......- +2336 Marion. Tomb 57. Finds im situ .......+.++++- 342 Marion. Tomb 57. Finds Nos. 12—15 im situ .. 342 Marion. Tomb 57, Plan and Finds in situ (1); Section A-A (2); Finds 12—15 in situ (3). Tomb 58, Plan (4); Sections A-A, B-B (s, 6)......... 343 Marion. 'l'omb 58. View of the chamber ...... 346 Marion. Tomb 58. Finds іп іш ............. . 346 Tomb 59. Part of the dromos with the Фоог-расКіпд ............................. 25-998 Marion. Tomb 59. 'The stone slab of the dromos МӘМС YE TOC E E) 352 Marion. Tomb s9. View of the chamber "with finds in su 42.40 seen SNA Marion. Tomb 59. Part of finds im situ ...... + 353

Marion. Tomb 58, Finds in situ (1). Tomb 59, Plan and Finds i# situ (2); Skull IV and Finds Nos. 6, 18, 32 (3); Sections A-A, B-B, C-C (4, 5, 6) 354 Marion. Tomb 60. View of dromos with chamber

Marion. ‘Tomb 61. View of the 25%<5 . 357 Marion. ‘Tomb 60. Finds in the N. W. corner .. 358 Marion. Tomb 60. Finds Nos. 1—14 im situ... . 358 Marion. ‘Tombs 60 and 61, Plan and Finds én situ

(1); Sections A-A, B-B, C-C (2,3,4) .......... « 360 Marion. The necropolis at Evrethades.......... 367 Marion. Tomb 62. View of the chamber with

fid In Ban еуен саана —6 Marion. Tomb 63. View of the chamber with

блдз іп зіш........... ате ему АЗА Но . 368





161 162

163 164 165 166 167

168 169 170 171 172

173 174 175 176 177


179 180 181 182 183

Marion. Tomb 62, Plan (1); Sections A-A, B-B (2, 3); Finds in situ (4). Tomb 63, Plan and Finds in situ (5); Sections A-A, B-B (6, 7). Tomb 64, Plan (8); Sections A-A, C-C, B-B (9, 10, 11); Finds Zn. silu (12) 5... ee A T e eros ree 371 Marion. Tomb 65, Plan (1); Sections A-A, B-B (2, 3); Finds in situ (4). Tomb 66, Plan and Finds in situ (5); Sections B-B, C-C, A-A (6, 7, 8). Tomb 67, Plan (9); Sections A-A, B-B (10, 11) 377 Marion. Tomb 67. View of the chamber with (ADEL E. оов 380 Marion. Tomb 67. Skeleton in эйш............ 380 Marion. Tomb 67, Finds in situ (1). Tomb 68, Plan (2); Sections A-A, B-B (3, 4); Finds in situ (s). Tomb 69, Plan (6); Section A-A (7); Finds

SIYO Re ааа зан, 383 Marion. Tamb OG kece ies eee alone 386 Marion. Tomb 60 25-2... 09 x noon. 386 Marion. 'Tomb бо. Ёїпзїтїїш............... 387 Marion. Tomb 71. Finds in situ ........+-+-++- 387

Marion. Tomb 7o, Plan and Finds ín situ (1); Sections A-A, B-B (2, 3). Tomb 71, Plan and Finds in situ (4); Section A-A (5). Tomb 72, Plan (6); Sections A-A, B-B, C-C, D-D (7, 8, 9, 10); Finds in situ (11). Tomb 73, Plan (12); Sections A-A,

ВВ (19 Bib) soo -cerecet tantnm rrr mrt 391 Магіоп, ТотЬ 70........................... 394 Marion. Tomb 72, 4готов ................... 394 Marion. Tomb 73. Dromos with door-packing.. 398 Marion. Tomb 73. Еїпдз їн яш .............. 398

Marion. Tomb 73, Finds in situ (1). Tomb 74, Plan and Finds in situ (2); Sections A-A, B-B (3, 4). Tomb 75, Plan (5); Section A-A (6); Finds in situ (7). Tomb 76, Plan and Finds in situ (8); Sections

А-А; В-В(0о,10)............-.-.--:->»%>.-.. 401 Marion. Tomb 74, 4Аготоз ................... 403 Marion. Tomb 76, 4Аготов ................... 403 Marion. Tomb 75. Finds în ffl ..............« 404

Marion. 'l'omb 78. Dromos with door-packing.. 494 Marion, ‘Tombs 77, 82, 85, Plan (1); Sections A-A, B-B, C-C (2, 3, 4); Finds ín situ (s).......... 407 Marion. Tomb 78, Plan and Finds in situ (1); Sec- tions A-A, B-B (2, 3). Tomb 79, Plan (4); Sec- tions A-A, B-B (5, 6); Finds én situ (7). ''omb 8o, Plan (8); Sections A-A, B-B (9, 10); Finds in situ (11). Tomb 81, Plan and Finds in situ (12); Sections

A-A, B-B (13, 34)... «50 —— 412 Marion. Tomb 81, 4гогов ................... 415 Marion. Dromos of Tombs 82 and 85 ......... 415 Marion. Tomb 83. Finds fn situ ............... 47 Marion. 'Tomb 88, dromos ................... 417

Marion. Tomb 83, Plan (1); Sections A-A, B-B (2, 3); Finds in situ (4). Tomb 84, Plan (5); Sec- tions A-A, B-B (6, 7); Finds in situ (8) ......... 422 Marion. Tomb 86, Plan and Finds in situ (1); Sections A-A, B-B (2, 3). Tomb 87, Plan and Finds in situ (4); Sections A-A, B-B (s, 6). Tomb 88,

185 186 187



190 191 192 193 194

195 196 197

198 199


202 203 204

205 206 207

208 209 210 211 212 213



Plan (7); Sections A-A, B-B (8, 9); Finds in situ (10). Tomb So, Plan and Finds in situ (11); Sections

A-A, B-B (13, 13) 15... eere esee rt rtr nes Tr. 430 Магіоп. ТотаһҺ 87, «готов ................... 431 Marion. Tomb 97, 4Аготов ................... 431

Marion. Tomb 90, Plan and Finds in situ (1); Sec- tions: A-A, B-B (2, 3). ‘Tomb 91, Plan and Finds in situ (4); Sections A-A, B-B (5, 6). ‘Tomb 92, Plan (8); Sections B-B, A-A (9, 10); Finds £m situ (Eee ee ee 439 Marion. Tomb 93, Plan and Finds in situ (1); Section A-A (2). Tomb 94, Plan and Finds in situ (3); Section A-A (4). Tomb 95, Plan (3); Sections A-A, B-B (6, 7); Finds in situ (8). Tomb 96, Plan (9); Sections A-A, B-B (10, 11); Finds im situ [CTS ое гоо оооав о ота оно ое 444 Marion. Tomb 97, Plan (1); Sections A-A, B-B (2, 3); Finds in situ (4). Tomb 98, Plan (5); Sec- tions A-A, B-B (6, 7); Finds im situ (8) ........ 452 The western acropolis of Idalion from the South 460 The western acropolis of Idalion from the East 461 Idalion. Walls 45 (left) and 8 (right) ......-.... 465 Idalion. Wall-system 7—17 in the foreground .. 465 Idalion. Walls 19 E, 125, and part of 19 D in the foreground; Walls 46, 107, Altar 38, and Wall 47 in the background (from left to right) ......... 457 Idalion. Walls 125, 19 D, 102 (from left to right) 467 Idalion, Face of Wall25 C ........... eee 469 Idalion. Section through filling between Walls OSO LVL VEO DST OS HOTTA VETE 469 Idalion. Walls 14 (left), 34 (right) in the fore- ground; Walls 42 A, 35, 69 C in the background 472

Idalion. Walls 44 (left) and 17 (right)......... 472 Idalibo, | Wall: 465..0.20 sececcsne ИЯ 473 Idalion. Walls 33, 129, 31 (from left to right) in

the foreground; Wall 46 in the background ...... 474 Idalion. The well in Squares Z 15--16.......... 474 Idalion. Walls 44 (left) and 17 (right) ......... 475

Idalion. Walls 42 C, 47, and part of Altar 38 (from left to right); Wall 110 seen in the hole between

Walls 42 C and 42..... «o ev e rere vv TRNO es 475 Idalion. Altar 38 and Wall 126 ................ 477 Idalion. Walls 12s (left) and 19 E (right)...... 477 Idalion. Wall 69 C on top of the foundation of Wall ОЛА: ><» эз эже» Ки ое обон ете 479 Idalion. Ramp 69 F and Wall 42 C in the back- qiound ... ecee cedo eo ramakexdubn CRS AENA 479 Idalion. The North Gate with Walls 69 A and B 481 Idalion. Bricks of Wall $1 ............ serre 481 Idalion, Walls 101 (left) and 122 (right)....... 483 Idalion. Walls 101, 122, 59, Altar 48, Walls 124 and 42 C (from left тіңм)................ 483 Idalion. Walls 19 D, 104, 102, 122 in the fore- ground (from left to пірім) .................. 485 Idalion. Wall 102 in the foreground; Walls 104, 125, and 19 D in the background .......... . 485

Idalion. Wall 107

хп 216 217 218 219

220 221

222 223 2214 225 226 227 228 229 230 231

232 233



236 237

238 239

240 241


245 246

247 248 249 aso

Adalion. Wall 94 (left), Bothros 7, Wall 76 (right) in the foreground; Walls 83, 69 C and other walls

in. theo background. Ver ca ss v45o 2.59 «0 486 Idalion. Bothroi Nos. 9—11 and surrounding walls 491 Idalion. Bothroi Nos. 21 and 22. ........... 491 Idalion. Bothroi Nos. 24 and 35 ............. 492 Idalion. Bothros No. 29 ...........- erre 492 Idalion. Part of Section II in Squares D—E: 9— KO, аа ыы Ро Dui d 494 Idalion. Section through the deposit in Squares С--Н:6--7 оҒбеспоп ПІ ................... 494 Idalion. Section through the deposit in Squares С--Н: 6-7 о4ӛеспіоһ ІП .................. . 496 Idalion. Section VI, with Altar 40 and the trea- ОЛИГИ. оо ылғн ы саз тс» 499

Idalion. Part of Section IX in Squares J—K 10 501 Idalion. Part of Section IX in Squares I—J 11 501

Idalion. Stratigraphic diagram ................ 503 Idalion. Analytical plan of the architecture of PEU SE SEO CUTE TESS TSE ea sog Idalion. Analytical plan of the architecture of en re ААМ 509 Idalion. Analytical plan of the architecture of ку ы. УА АНЕ АНГ АН АКА NAAR 512

Idalion. The Northern House" of Periods 2—3 581 Idalion. 'T'he '*Northern House" of Periods 2—3 519 Idalion. View of the S, W. hall (Room L). Wall 32 to the left; Wall 21 +41 +22 to the right; Walls 51, 112—116, 119 in the middle ............... 522 Idalion, View of the excavation from the S. The gate-chamber (Room XLIX) and Wall 32 in the еа е ыы ы ызы шта атыс» 523 Idalion. The S. W. part of the excavated area. ‘The doorway between Walls 31 and 32 in the foreground; Walls 46, 65, 66 A, and 19 E behind 525 Idalion. View of the central part of the excavated NIORT T та о абе v mE 527 Idalion. The inner temenos, with Wall 19 in the foreground; Walls 42 C and 39 in the background 528 Idalion. 'T'he inner їетепов .................. 529 Idalion. The W. part of the acropolis, with the inner temenos in the foreground .............- 531 Idalion. The deposit in the cult-house of Period 1 593 Idalion. The deposit in the cult-house of Period 1 593 Idalion. The deposit in the cult-house of Period 1 594

Idalion. Room XLVI, with pithoi in situ ..... 505 Idalion. Room XXXIX, with pithoi £n situ ..... 595 Idalion. Deposit in Room XLIX ...... 596 Idalion, Deposits along Wall 32 (Squares E

ДЕ], „осоне тоно Оа 596

Idalion. "The deposit Sq E Si i. . 597 Idalion. The deposit in Squares G—H: = * 897 Idalion. The deposit in Squares G—H; 6—7 .... 598 Idalion. Tomb 1, Plan (1); Sections A-A, B-B, C-C (2, 3, 4); Finds in situ (5). Tomb 2, Plan (6); Sections A-A, B-B (7, 8). Tomb 3, Plan (9); Sections ASA, B-B (30, 31)... елеул ro ttr 631