THE KECORDEK - 1895-1920 Toronto Bible College 16 SPADINA ROAD TORONTO Presentee by the GEWEKAL hLUMwI ASSOuIA'i'IOl^ December 79 40 Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2010 witii funding from Tyndale University College and Seminary %> a^ School and Offices.- 110 Colleqe St., Toronto. RECORDER. PRICE : 6 CENTS PER ANNUM. Vol. XII.] TORONTO, DECEMBER, 1905. [No. 1 A^erpbcrs of Corporation. Rkv. Elmork Harris, D.D., President, Bethcden, Waliner Koad, Toronto. Kkv. R. p. Mackay, L).D.,1 Toronto. > Vice-Presidents. J. D. Nassuth, Toronto J Jos. N. Shknstone, Secreortant centres are yet to be added to the General Council. Enrolment of Students. We are glad to announce that the en- rolment of students on November 27th, the date of writing this, is 45 in the Day Classes, and just about 2i;e, Northern Ontario. Rev. J. W. Salton has been rejoicing in several conversions in his new iield of labor at the Tabernacle Mission, Mon- treal. We hope to welcome a number of new students at the beginning of the j^ear. It is a good time to begin special Bible study. We learn that Rev. T. G. R. Brown- low, a member of our first graduating class, has been much blessed in his work as pastor of the M.E. Church of Marengo, Mich. Rev. Charles E. Hurlbert of Phila- delphia, Director of the East African Mission, visited the School in October, and gave us a useful and impressive missionary address. An Executive Committee of the student body has been formed, consisting of the leaders and officers of the different so- cieties. These have chosen Mr. A. M, Shannon as Convener. A. MuNSON, of Wansa, Neb., who was with us as a student last session, has been accepted by the Board of the China Inland Mission, and expects to leave before long for her distant field of labor. The written examinations of the Day Classes will begin on Thursday, Dec. 14th, and continue till Wednesday, Dec. 20th. Those of tlie Evening Classes will be held on Thursday, Dec. 1 1th, and Tuesday, Dec. 19th. Mis.s Bakbr, formerly teacher of Elo- cution in Albert College, Belleville, has recently' commenced a course of instruc- tion with the students in voice culture and reading, from which we expect ex- cellent results. Mr. W. D. Si'INKS, after a period of devoted missionary service in Northern Nigeria, during which his health was seriously impaired, has returned to Can- ada, and received an appointment to a Home Mission field at Moe's River, Que. The next Students' public meeting is arranged for Monday, Dec. 11th. Ad- dresses on Bible themes will be given by Misses Allum, Brooking and Sprague, and Messrs. Chinal, Palmer and Tester. All friends of the School are very cor- dially invited. Our President, Dr. Harris, is conduct- ing Bible Studies this session with leaders of Bible Classes connected with Toronto University. Just now he is holding Bible Conferences for a week under the auspices of the Y.M.C.A., Quebec City. Miss Alma Sciiofield of this city, who took a successful course of study in our Evening Classes, has been designated for service bj^ the Africa Evangelistic, formerly the Africa Industrial, Mission, and has sailed for Nigeria, Central Sou- dan, followed by the prayers of many Christian friends. Several of our former students have recently removed to new fields of labor : Rev. L. N. Sirrell from Clayton, N.Y., where he has done an excellent work, to Gouverneur in the same State; Rev. W N. Scott, lately of Port Huron, Mich., has become pastor at Selkirk, Ont. ; and Rev. Geo. A. Paull, of Wilkesport, with restored health, has accepted the pastor- ate of churches at Shedden and Fingal, Ont. Receipts for General Fund. The following donations have been re- ceived from May 1st to Nov. 23, 1905. Xo, 1 82 00 2 100 00 :) 5 00 4 10 00 .5 5 00 6 1.") 00 7 10 00 8 1(1 (10 9 10 00 10 10 00 11 t, 00 12 fi 00 13 25 00 14 5 00 15 25 00 16 250 00 17 250 00 18 20 (K) li» 1 00 20 5 00 21 .")0 00 22 25 00 23 20 00 24 2 00 25 ,. 50 00 No. 26 " 27 11 28 $ 5 00 5 00 20 00 " 29 5 00 11 30 5 00 .1 31 1. 82 " 33 ... . 5 00 10 00 5 00 M 84 10 00 11 35 ^ 1 00 11 3(J " H7 1' 38 11 39 20 00 10 00 75 OO 1 00 " 40 11 41 15 00 10 00 " 42 11 48 10 00 2.')0 00 " 44 " 45 1.50 00 5 Oo " 46 " 47 1. 48 1" 49 25 00 25 00 5 00 2 no " 50 100 Total $1,590 00 Joseph N. Shenstone, Treas. y ^l^'P^^i